Jumat, 06 April 2012

kata ganti dalam bahasa jepang

                                                     KATA GANTI PETUNJUK BENDA

~ KORE : ini  ( benda dekat si pembicara )
~ SORE : itu  ( benda dekat lawan bicara )
~ ARE : itu  ( benda jauh dari pembicara atau lawan bicara)
~ DORE : yang mana ?  ( di antara pilihan benda-benda )

1. Kore wa hon desu. ( ini adalah buku )
これは ほんです。
2. Sore wa tsukue desu. ( itu adalah meja )
それは つくえです。
3. Are wa senpuki desu. ( itu adalah kipas angin )
あれは せんぷきです。
4. Are wa kuruma desuka. ( apakah itu mobil )
あれは くるまですか。
Hai,soo desu. ( ya,benar ) / Hai,are wa kuruma desu. ( ya,itu dalah mobil )
はい。そうです     はい。あれは くるまです。
5. Enpitsu ga dore desuka. ( pensil adalah yang mana )
えんぴつが どれですか。
Enpitsu wa kore desu. ( pensil adalah ini )
えんぴつは これです。

新しい 言葉

Watashi わたし : saya
Anat あなた : anda / kamu
Watashitachi わtしたち : kami / kita
Anatagata あなたがた : kalian / anda sekalian
Gakusei がくせい : pelajar / siswa
Sensei せんせい : guru
Nihon にほn : jepang
…….jin ….じん : orang…..
Hon ほん : buku
Isu いす : kursi
Tsukue つくえ : meja
Hikidashi ひきだし : lemari
Senpuki せんぷき : kipas angina
Kokuban こくばん : papan tulis
Pen ぺん : pena
Enpitsu えんぴつ : pensil
Kami かみ : kertas
Shinbun しんぶん : Koran
Jisho じしょ : kamus
Zasshi ざっし : majalah
Kutsu くつ : sepatu
Kaban かばん : tas
Tokei とけい : jam
Karendaa カレンダー : kalender
Gakkoo がっこう : sekolah
Ie いえ : rumah

Rabu, 04 April 2012

Hortatory Exposition

Purpose/social function/objective:  to persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case.

Text organization:
1.    thesis,
2.    arguments, and
3.     recommendations

Language features:
1.    Emotive word (alarmed, worried)
2.    The use of words that qualify statements (usual, probably)
3.    The use of words that link argument (firstly, however, on the otherhand, therefore)
4.    The use of present tense
5.    The use of compound and complex sentences
6.    Modal and adverbs
7.    Using pronouns I and we

                                                 Corruption and corruptors

What do you know about corruption? Corruption is  irregularity money action in country or company for individual profit. What is the relation between corruption and corruptors? Well, corruptors is person that does corruption. In our country, corruption is commonplace that often we met, many people that does corruption not complete handling, that coming about corruption round into the habit. Corruption belong to egoist action, why? Because corruptors just accentuate thyself that injure many people.
As we know, corruption can make negative impact that having an effect on many people. What kind of impact?
1.    Democracy, corruption can broke of confidence and tolerance many people, because new     broom official position are not because achievement.
2.    Economy, corruption bringing on price's rise is material food and BBM, that impact is the development economic society hard.
3.    States common welfare , more corruption happen, more and more also suppressed people. For example is politician making regulation that protect big firm, but disadvantages little firms, just back favor to big firm that give contribution bigging to their general election campaign.

You know?  Corruptor one of greedy behaviour, poor, lier, and lazy person. Why? because corruptor never satisfied by what do be had, one of cause it is subtracted thank. Ever want to be win by undertaking bribe to judge, etc.

Well, I think the measures taken so far to overcome the problem by punishing the corruptors is still not far enough. We have to prevent the younger generations from getting a bad mentality caused by corruption.

As the rising generation, we shall avoid corruption character, because can be injure thyself and others.